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Tutorial Set 5 - "Sparkling Feather"

The Set contains "Pine", "Hunter", "Champagne" and "Dragon"

We would like to present these four colors of the Tutorial "Sparkling Feather"  to youas a special offer.

The Tutorial set is available in two sizes:
⦿ Mini pan size (standard 0.5 ml mini pan)
⦿ Custom hexagons pan  (1 x custom hexagon equals 5,5 -6 x mini pans )

If you haven't signed up for the newsletter on to receive the tutorials for free, please reach out and we send you the download link. You don't need to purchase the set in order to get our free tutorial!


✦ Champagne - like the name suggests, it is a colder champagne golden shade
✦ Hunter - a warm golden green
✦ Pine - a light teal color you can find in pine forests
✦ Dragon - a light greyish mint that - once activated - has a subtle shimmer of pink glitter, creating a mystical effect of dragon scales

General Product Safety
Producer: Prismaze GmbH, Baeckerstr. 5, 30938 Burgwedel, Germany,
